Save the date!  September 28, 2024

Sharpstown High School Reunion

Save the Date - September 28, 2024

Hello Sharpstown graduates!  Your reunion committee has begun collecting contact information for the 50 year reunion of our 1974 class.  Please click here to share your contact info so we can keep you up to date on reunion developments.

SHS Class of 1974 - 50 Year Reunion

Our reunion is being held at Safari Texas Ranch on September 28, 2024 Classes from 1971 through 1976 are welcome but we are only searching for our fellow classmates from1974. (Feel free to locate and contact any Sharpstown graduates that you like and join us at the party!) Tickets are $74 in advance and $100 on the day of the event or at the door. Ticket price includes dinner, a DJ, photographer and non-alcoholic drinks. There is a cash bar at the venue.

We look forward to having a tremendous attendance and look forward to seeing you. If you have missed reunions in the past, please consider attending this event. It will likely be the last one that we organize.

The theme for this affair is Boots and Bling! Come casual or dressed up - your choice.

Looking forward to seeing you there!